Hi, my name is Lovis Tawiah.

I create the web

I'm a developer specializing in web technologies, database design and system architecture

Currently, I'm completing the Frontend Masters Learning Paths, making a career switch from Baker to Backend Developer.

Projects I'm proud of

Latest Project

Wall of Wonder

Description of the project. This should be fairly concise while also describing the key components that you developed or worked on. It can be as long as you need it to be but should at least be a few sentences long. Be sure to include specific links anywhere in the description. A link looks like this, and multiple links look like this and like this.

Technologies used include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SVG
Screenshot of the Wall of Wonder.

Bootcamp Project

Feed-A-Star-Mole Game

Description of the project. This should be fairly concise while also describing the key components that you developed or worked on. It can be as long as you need it to be but should at least be a few sentences long. Be sure to include specific links anywhere in the description. A link looks like this, and multiple links look like this and like this.

Technologies used include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Screenshot of the Frontend Masters Bootcamp.

Photography Project

Wall of Wonder Collection

Description of the project. This should be fairly concise while also describing the key components that you developed or worked on. It can be as long as you need it to be but should at least be a few sentences long. Be sure to include specific links anywhere in the description. A link looks like this, and multiple links look like this and like this.

Technologies used include:

  • HTML
  • CSS Grid
Screenshot of the Wall of Wonder Collections.

Contact me

I'm always interested in hearing about the world of technology is evolving so fast.Quia nihil quod hic eveniet corrupti omnis asperiores quidem in exercitationem dolor.

Email me